How do I pay to park?
Parking pay stations accept CREDIT CARDS ONLY. Or to pay by text- refer to signs for instructions. Park your car and pay at any pay station indicated by the Park Tahoe sign; refer to instructions on the kiosk. (If you do not have a credit card, prepaid credit cards are available for purchase at local grocery stores.)
- If you do not have a license plate, enter the last four digits of the vehicle identification number (VIN).
- If you have a license plate with stacked letters or special symbols, enter only the full-size numbers and letters. Special symbols and spaces should not be entered.
- If a meter is not working, use any other pay station in the lots for payment. This is a license plate based system, there are no stall numbers and no receipt is required on your windshield. If license plate is incorrectly entered, you may receive a notice on non-compliance.
- Payment for parking is due upon entry. If payment is not received before you leave your car parked in the lot, you risk a fine.
- The following credit cards are accepted — Visa, MC, and Amex.